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Teacher Mentors Become More Effective Approach Based Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP)

Kamis, 13 Mei 2010

A. Basic Principles of Implementation Guidance
a. KTSP did not alter the basic principles of guidance and counseling program implementation in schools.
b. KTSP provides an opportunity for every teacher in the school counselor for more effective ministry in the performance of duties.
c. Pattern is known and implemented in schools maintained by the spirit as well as developed curriculum.
d. BK programming in schools has not changed, but the spirit of its implementation were developed based on the spirit of KTSP.

B. BK program in general
a. BK programming in schools usually describe such things as: basic activities, descriptions of activities, objectives, targets, timing, funding, and captions. Each teacher BK / school may develop according to the circumstances, conditions, needs and patterns that have been implemented effectively.
b. BK principal activities include aspects such as preparation, guidance and counseling services, support activities, development, cooperation with parents and relevant agencies, reports, evaluations, analyzes, and follow-up.
c. Aspects of program preparation BK include things such as preparing personnel, program consultation, programming, and infrastructure advice
d. Aspects of guidance and counseling services cover matters such as service orientation, information services, placement services and distribution, service learning, individual counseling, group counseling services, and group counseling services.
e. Aspects of support activities include things such as guidance instrumentation, data sets, home visits, case conferences, and hand over the case.
f. Development aspects include such things as; systems and programs, training and personnel development, and development tools.
g. Other things can be developed by teachers or school BK according to the needs and adjust to new developments obtained through MGBK / MGP (Guidance and Counseling Teacher Council / Council of Teachers Advisors) or from other sources.
h. Mapping / matriculation / program formats and schedules can be developed in accordance with the BK creativity in the school guidance counselor or by the spirit of togetherness through MGBK / MGP.

C. KTSP spirit in the preparation and implementation of program services at the school include BK paradigm and a new spirit as follows:
a. KTSP is the purpose of preparation for school (the teachers) are able and courageous organize and develop the curriculum in accordance with an eye to teaching responsibilities at the school, including teachers, guidance counselors, so that the curriculum has been drawn up it can be implemented at the level of the education / schools. In other words, that the level of the education curriculum is organized and operational curricula implemented by each educational unit.
b. In developing the guidance program in schools, mentor teachers need to pay attention to the principles of curriculum development as follows:
- Centered on the potential, developments, needs and interests of learners and the environment
- Diverse and integrated
- Responsive to the development of science, technology, and art
- Relevant to the needs of life
- Comprehensive and sustainable
- Lifelong learning
- Balance between national interests and regional interests
c. Guidance counselor needs to become more aware that the participation / activity undertaken is to achieve the objectives of secondary education, namely: improving intelligence, knowledge, personality, noble character, and the skills to live independently and to follow further education.
d. Operational reference preparation of curriculum, including the BK program at the school is to consider the following matters, namely;
- An increase of faith and piety and noble character
- Increasing the potential, intelligence, and interest in accordance with the level of development and abilities of learners
- Diversity and regional characteristics and potential environmental
- Development of regional and national demands
- The demands of the workplace
- Development of science, technology, and art
- Religion
- The dynamics of global development
- National unity and national values
- Social and cultural conditions of local
- Gender equality
- Characteristics of the educational unit / school
e. Among the five groups of subjects (NMC) on the educational unit, BK included in the group of subjects of religion and nationality and noble character and personality. BK actually is in the spirit and animating each subject group. KMP is:
- Religious and noble character
- Citizenship and personality
- Science and technology
- Aesthetics
- Physical, sports, and health
f. BK in the school program must base itself is also on life skills education that includes:
- Personal skills
- Social skills
- Academic skills
- Vocational skills

D. Syllabus Development
a. Syllabus is pejabaran of standards of competence and basic competence in subject matter, learning activities, and indicators of achievement of competency for assessment.
b. The principle of the development of the syllabus covers the following matters, namely:
- Scientific (correct and can be scientifically justified)
- Relevant (according to the level of physical, intellectual, social, emotional, and spiritual students)
- Systematic (functionally interrelated in achieving competence)
- Consistent (consistent relationship between the basic competencies, indicators, subject matter, learning experiences, learning resources, and assessment)
- Adequate (the coverage indicator, subject matter, learning experiences, learning resources, and assessment system is sufficient to support the achievement of basic competencies)
- Actual and contextual (pay attention to the development of science, technology, and cutting-edge art in real life, and events)
- Flexible (to accommodate the diversity of learners and the dynamic changes taking place in schools and the demands of society)
- Comprehensive (covering the domain of cognitive competence, affective, psychomotor)

E. Function of Guidance and Counseling
Each service and BK activities, including guidance material should be carried out directly refers to one or more of the functions of BK in order to achieve results that will be clearly identified and evaluated. BK functions include:
a. Understanding the function, the function of BK that will produce an understanding of something by certain parties in accordance with the development needs of students. Include;
- Understanding of the student (by the students themselves, teachers, parents, friends, and mentors).
- Students' understanding of the environment in terms of family and school environment (by the students themselves, teachers, parents, friends, and mentors).
- Understanding of the wider environment, the educational information, the information office / employment, cultural information and values ​​(by students).
b. Prevention function, the function that will generate tercegahnya BK and terhindarinya students from a variety of issue that may interfere with, hinder or pose difficulties in its development process.
c. Repair function, which is a function that will generate BK or teratasinya solved various problems experienced by students.
d. Maintenance and development functions, ie functions that akanmenghasilkan BK terkembangnya maintained and the potential range and the condition of students in the framework of a steady and sustainable development.

F. Sector Guidance
a. The field of personal-social counseling, reaching personal goals and tasks of social development in the realization of personal piety, self-reliant and responsible. Developmental tasks (TP) in personal-social group is intended to make students able to:
- Self-awareness, which describes the appearance and specificity of self-knowing
- Develop a positive attitude and describe the people who liked
- Making healthy choices
- Respect for others
- Responsible
- Develop interpersonal skills
- Resolve conflict
- Make decisions effectively
b. Areas of tutoring, which is to achieve development goals and tasks of education. TP in the development of the study is intended to make students able to:
- Carry out the skills or learn techniques to effectively
- Setting goals and planning education
- Learn effectively
- Skilled and capable in dealing with the evaluation / test
c. Field of career guidance, which is a productive worker personally realize. TP in the career development group is intended to make students able to:
- Establish a career identity, characterize the work in the work environment
- Planning for the future
- Form a pattern / trend of career direction
- Recognizing the skills, abilities, and talents
G. Content or material guidance services in schools under the guidance of the field, it is advisable to adjust the situation, condition, and needs of schools, as well as developments / trends in science and social change. Some examples:
a. Personal-social counseling, among others:
- Control / direct the emotions
- Has the value - the value of life to make decisions / solving problems
- Understand that healthy psychosexual development
- Understand the prejudices and examine the consequences
- Time management
- School, home, and community, as well as its association
- Understand the situation and ways to control conflict
- Make decisions with a variety of risk
- Recognize and appreciate the uniqueness of self
- Think and act positively on themselves and others
- Use of leisure time / personal skills for physical and mental health
- Assess the situation and the effectiveness of social and family relationships
- Relationships / communication skills of lifelong positive
- And others
b. Tutoring, among others:
- Learn effectively for the success / achievements for the future
- The power of self-learning
- Set up and use the time to learn
- Evaluation of successes and failures in the quiz / exam / test
- Gather / learn information penjurusan
- Begin to recognize the universities / institutes of higher education / further study
- Learning all the time / life
- Understand the purpose of education
- Prepared to enter college
- And others
c. Career guidance, among others:
- Assess the pattern of career
- Flexible in choosing a career
- Plan for further study and career options assessment
- Develop skills (talents, interests, skills) for successful living
- Selecting majors and courses, as well as a realistic career choice
- Develop the skills to anticipate changes
- Know konfik possible role in environmental careers
- Legality for security and certainty of work
- Restructure the career goals
- Role in the family and work
- Face discrimination / harassment dalamdunia work
- The ability to know yourself (skills / abilities) present and future
- And others

H. Step-by-step development of the syllabus
a. Reviewing standards of competence and basic competences
b. Identify the subject matter
c. Develop a learning experience
d. Formulate indicators of learning success
e. Determination of types of assessment
f. Determine the allocation of time
g. Determine the source of learning
h. Sustainable development of the syllabus

I. Preparation of Program or Service Unit BK Services Implementation Plan should consider the following matters, namely:
a. Title services
b. Type of service (see point above B.d.)
c. Field of counseling (personal, social, learning, career)
d. Service functions (understanding, prevention, development, maintenance)
e. Service objectives
f. Results to be achieved
g. The goals of
h. Service material
i. Venue for the service
j. Time / date
k. Semester
l. Service providers
m. The parties are included and each of his role
n. And tools used perlegkapan
o. Assessment plan and follow-up services

J. One example Syllabus Format (teachers can create patterns that are considered most effective)
a. Competency standards
b. Basic competencies
c. The material
d. Activity
e. Indicator
f. Evaluation / Assessment (Techniques, Instruments Forms, Sample Instruments)
g. Allocation of time
h. Learning resources

K. The main basis is the development of guidance material that has been Adolescent Development Task coinciding with the situation in Indonesia, namely:
A. Reach maturity in faith and fear of God Almighty.
2. Reach maturity and attitude about life picture of independent emotionally, socially, intellectually and economically.
3. Reached maturity in the system of ethics and values.
4. Reached maturity in the relationship between peers both men and women as well as maturity in their roles as men and women.
5. Develop a mastery of science, technology and art in accordance with the program curriculum and preparation for a career or pursue higher education, and participation in wider community life.
6. Reach maturity in career choice.
7. Entered into friendships with peers of both sexes, especially the opposite sex.
8. Behavior that is acceptable by society.
9. Prepare themselves for marriage and family life.
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